Burnt Out? Trying Adding These Stress-Busting Foods to Your Diet


By Emily Greene

Mar 5 2024 12:30 PM IST

Dark Chocolate

Enjoying moderate amounts of dark chocolate can reduce stress hormones and enhance mood.

Probiotic Foods

Yogurt and fermented foods support gut health, linked to improved mood and stress resilience.

Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C in citrus fruits helps lower cortisol levels and strengthens the immune system.


Curcumin in turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory properties, benefiting stress management.

Chamomile Tea

Sip on chamomile tea to ease anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality.

Bell Peppers

High in vitamin C, bell peppers combat stress and support the immune system.

Sweet Potatoes

Complex carbohydrates and potassium in sweet potatoes help regulate stress hormones.


These foods may aid stress relief but consult a professional for serious concerns. 

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Next : 9 superfoods to lower cholesterol levels in body.