9 Foods To Avoid in Digestive Disorder


By Marqus Bobesich

Published : 28 Feb, 2024

High-fat foods can be hard to digest and may worsen symptoms like diarrhea and indigestion.

Fried and Fatty Foods


Spices and spicy foods can irritate the digestive tract and may exacerbate symptoms such as acid reflux or gastritis.

Spicy Foods


Lactose intolerance is common, and dairy products can lead to gas, bloating, and diarrhea in those who are intolerant.

Dairy Products


While fiber is generally beneficial for digestion, too much insoluble fiber, found in certain fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can be hard to digest

High-Fiber Foods


Some foods can produce excess gas, leading to bloating and discomfort. Examples include beans, cabbage, broccoli, and carbonated beverages.

Gas-Producing Foods


Caffeine can stimulate the digestive tract and worsen symptoms for some people. Additionally, carbonated beverages can cause bloating and gas.

Caffeine and Carbonated Drinks


Alcohol can irritate the digestive tract and contribute to symptoms like acid reflux, gastritis, and diarrhea.



Some artificial sweeteners, like sorbitol and mannitol, can cause gastrointestinal issues, including gas and diarrhea.

Artificial Sweeteners


Processed foods often contain additives, preservatives, and high levels of salt, which can be harsh on the digestive system. Spices in processed foods can also be problematic for some individuals.

Processed and Spicy Foods


Please Note that the information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional Medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
