8 Golden Rules To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work


By Emily Greene

Mar 7 2024 12:15 PM IST

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Communication is King (and Queen)  

Frequent and open communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, but even more so in long-distance scenarios.

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Embrace Technology, But Don't Replace Reality 

Video calls, texting, and online activities can bridge the physical gap.

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Schedule Time, But Be Flexible 

Set dedicated times to connect, but remain adaptable. Respect each other's schedules and unforeseen circumstances, fostering understanding and avoiding unnecessary tension.

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Trust and Respect: The Pillars of Strength 

Build a foundation of unwavering trust and respect. 

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Nurture Individual Lives 

While cherishing your connection, don't neglect your individual lives. Pursue your interests, cultivate friendships, and maintain a sense of self-identity outside the relationship. 

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Keep the Spark Alive 

Surprise each other with thoughtful gestures, share special experiences virtually, or plan exciting activities for upcoming in-person visits. Keep the romance alive creatively.

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Be Present When Together 

When you are finally reunited, savor the moments. Be fully present, minimize distractions, and focus on creating lasting memories and strengthening your bond. 

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Maintain a Shared Vision 

Discuss your long-term goals and aspirations as a couple. 

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Next : 9 Dating Mistakes To Avoid

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