7 Signs of Inflammation


By Emily Greene

Mar 6 2024 10:40 AM IST

Redness (Rubor)

One of the primary signs of inflammation is redness at the site of injury or infection.

Swelling (Tumor)

Swelling occurs when fluid and white blood cells accumulate in the affected tissue.

Heat (Calor)

Inflammation often leads to an increase in temperature at the site of injury or infection.

Pain (Dolor)

Inflammation can cause pain or discomfort at the site of injury or infection.

Loss of Function

Inflammation may impair the function of the affected area. 


Systemic inflammation, which affects the entire body, can cause fatigue and lethargy. 


Inflammation triggered by infections can cause the body's temperature to rise, leading to fever. 


The information provided regarding signs of inflammation is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.  

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